Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Prime Minister Blake (Part I)

The plane landed gently on the runway. The 727 was like any other 727 on the airfield, except for the large insignia on the tail. The insignia consisted of an orange circle in which there was an oil well. This seemingly insignificant insignia was not noticed by the passing public; however, there stood a well dress man in Kennedy's Airport terminal who knew how significant that insignia really was.
The insignia stood for the Rising Sun Oil Company (RSOG). RSOG was a nationalized oil company of a small Far East nation. What made this small Far East nation significant to the giant U.S. nation was that it was located over the largest oil depository in the world. The oil depository was located under the huge Pacific Ocean, which because of its deepness protected the depository from the machinery of man. However, there was one weakness to the protection of the depository.
Centuries ago, a small volcano started to form in the Pacific. This volcano grew larger until finally a small island was created. The volcano erupted, but the small island was left in the Pacific Ocean.
This was the weak link in the oil depository’s protection. When the volcano grew larger and moved up closer to the surface, so did the oil depository. The small insignificant island left after the volcano's eruption was the key in unlocking the oil depository's door to mankind. But what nation of the world would get the right to drill for the oil? Would it be communist or non-communist.
Off stepped from the plane the key figure in determining what nation would get the right to drill for the oil. He was the so-called prime minister of the small nation. In truth, he was its dictator.
Being a small island with only several thousand people, and these several thousands created crowdedness; then, it was easy for a young, bright man to make the right promises, and he did. He promised to improve housing, sewer systems, and to improve the island's impoverish economy. This is what the people wanted to hear, so they elected Frederick Joseph Blake as its prime minister.
Joseph, as he liked to be called, was born to American parents in the Philippines. His father was a soldier who fought in World War II, and his mother was a nurse in World War II. This is how his parents met.
Joseph's father was stationed in Japan after the war, and this is where Joseph was born. Joseph attended American schools and it was not until after Joseph finished high school that he became aware of the world around him, and how the Japanese way of life differed from his American upbringing.
Joseph became an aide to an executive officer who traveled Japan to supervise operations of an American firm trying to locate a factory in Japan. It was during this period of being an aide that Joseph first became aware of the Japanese way of life. The customs and traditions fascinated Joseph to the point where he wanted to travel the entire Far East and learn about all the customs and traditions of the Orient.
For several years, Joseph traveled the Orient. He visited the Philippines, where his father once fought, Indonesia, Malaysia, and several other Far East countries. It was during his travels that Joseph came upon a small, unfamiliar island. The mystery of the island fascinated him more than any other place he had been.
He learned that the ancestors of the people of the island were natives of a nearby island who were driven from their island by warriors of yet another island. So the ancestors, after taking flight in their canoes, came upon the small, uninhabited island. For centuries, the culture of the island did not change. Then, World War II broke out. It seems the island had very insignificant military importance, but however, the U.S. Navy heard about the island and decided it would be the right place to send some war-tired veterans to recuperate and to regain their composure. The U.S. Navy, therefore, built a recreational base on the island.
After the war ended, the base was maintained as a resting point for soldiers coming home. For several years, it operated as such.
The admirals in the Pentagon, then decided to refit it as a recreational center for themselves. The base was luxuriously refurnished. May it be said that many of admirals enjoyed the company of their secretaries in the warm tropic breeze. Admirals are just human too.
The newspaper found out about the island in the early 1960’s before Vietnam was to become an issue in American news. Not having anything better to do, the newspapers in the U.S. started to attack the Pentagon and its admirals. The Pentagon decided to close the base. This is when the troubles began for the small island.
Without the U.S. Navy to support their economy, the living trend on the island started on the downside. Even when Vietnam began to take on the look of a major war, the U.S. Navy did not want to rehash old troubles, so they did not reopen the base, even though the island was located in a strategic position. The living trend continued on a downside.
Just when all seemed to be lost, Joseph Blake came upon the scene.
Joseph was in his thirty's when arriving at the island. It was love at first sight. His interest and his energetic ways impressed not only the leaders of the island's government, but also the majority of the people of the island. They elected him as their first prime minister.
Because of their trust and faith in Joseph, the people of the island grew to love him. Joseph became supreme ruler of the island. The people's faith in Joseph was not in vain, for Joseph greatly improved the life on the small island. Joseph brought in industry and, because of their combined faith in Joseph, the people of the island started to work as one. The people begun to help each other, and soon they were looking forward to the next day.
It was during this period when one of the industries interested in locating to the island discovered the oil depository. All the nations of the world quickly became interested in the small island. That is why Joseph Blake was now stepping off the plane in the U.S.
The representative of the U.S. government left the airport terminal to greet Prime Minister Blake as he came off the plane. The plane did not leave off passengers at the terminal since crowds were to be avoided.
When meeting, the U.S. representative quickly shook hands and rushed Prime Minister Blake to an awaiting black limousine. The limousine drove to a nearby hotel. Again, Prime Minister Blake was rushed. This time to a top-floor suite where he could refresh himself before meeting in conference with the U.S. representatives.
After refreshing himself, Prime Minister Blake was rushed to a conference room filled with stuffy, shark-teethed diplomats who could have put a fear into Dracula. Upon looking over the scene, Prime Minister Blake knew they were going to try to intimidate him and to screw him and his country in the process.
While standing in the doorway, Joseph Blake spoke his first words in the U.S., "Gentlemen! For my country, I would fight the devil himself. So gentlemen, please be forewarned, that it is only my country's interest I have at heart; therefore, do not try to intimidate me for I know that the oil we have will last only for so long, but my people will last forever. So, any arrangements we make must be eternal in nature." With the end of this statement, he approached his seat and sat down with his head held high. All the shark teeth were broken.

Moral: Appreciate what you have today, for tomorrow you may not have it.

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