Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Another Three Poems:

My Poetry

The words may not all rhyme,
The lines may be miss 'stood
And outside the guides of poetry law.
Yet hidden meaning one must search,
To cherish the value of my poetry.

Lead Anchor

As you go through life,
Beware your fellow man,
For when you are sinking,
Some will fling you a life preserve,
Others will toss you a lead anchor.

God may not had intended,
But he created a selfish man.
How beautiful would the world be,
If one loved others as one loved "self".

Man’s Fears

There is a roar of fire,
Down goes deadly rabbit.
Sling! An arrow flys true,
The dangerous deer falls.
A hidden trap is sprung,
Die does the evil fox.
The slow poison is ate,
Coyote your grave waits.
Slide the knife ‘long its throat.
Another of man’s fears fall.
But alas! One last fear
Does the world hold for man.
It is the worst fear of all.
It is man himself who,
Ironic is it not,
Is the last fear of all.
One day, it may be said--

“Weak man please do not fear,
For the life threatening fears,
Are no longer life’s fears.”

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