Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Julia (revisited)

“Paths in life are one-way, but has many twists, turns, and forks in the road.”

Julia sensed the cool, damp, smelly air in her nose as she awoke. With instinct, she reached for her daughter. Her heart dropped for a moment when her hand found only the wall. “Megan! Where are you?” Julia shouted in anxiety as she lifted up.
“I am over here, mommy.” A small child stood several feet away looking out the window.
Approaching her child, Julia looked out the window, as well. She knew it was time. The welcoming committee steamed towards the building and everyone had started rushing out to meet them. Julia grabbed Megan’s hand and started the journey with the others.
As they exited the only doorway of the building, the crush of the hurrying crowd squeezed the air out of their lungs for a second until they got pass the frame of the open door. The people haven’t been fed since yesterday afternoon after they left the cattle cars of the train.
In the open grounds, the fresh air chilled them, but it was so much better than the stinky atmosphere inside the building. The people lined up to be addressed.
Julia looked down upon Megan and then glanced down the long line of people. The old, the young were mixed. “Where are you, mom and dad?” Julia asked herself quietly. She last saw them when they lined up to enter the cattle cars. Her and Megan went one way, her parents went another. “Where are you?”
“Mommy, that man looks like George,” Megan innocently stated. “He has a uniform, too, with all the shiny buttons and medals. Like the other men, but so much prettier.”
“Shhh, Megan. We are not to speak.”
“But, Mommy.”
“No, buts. Shhh,” Julia said as she looked around to be sure no one noticed.
Before Megan could say another word, a loud voice resounded in the open grounds between the buildings. The man with the shiny buttons made an announcement, “You are here so we can protect you. People outside these walls want to kill you because they blame you for their sufferings. Your leader wants to protect you. Wants to make a better world for you. He wants to guide you to your own lands. The land meant for you. The land destined to be yours. The lands you once owned. Today, you will begin your long journey to your new home. At long last, you will be home in a few weeks. A home given to you by your....”
Julia heard no more. She knew the lies. She felt the fear. But, she longed with hope. Hope, she was wrong.
“Now, go. Have your morning breakfast. Have your morning shower. Get your new clothes. Begin your journey home.” The man finished his announcement with, “The train of freedom awaits you.”
With prodding, people drifted into line for their morning meals. A few elderly people fell, but were quickly helped up by others. Julia made sure Megan got her meal, then Julia got hers. Julia was feeling better about things. The food wasn’t the best, only bread and some sloppy meal, but after so long without food, it was a gourmet.
After breakfast and with more prodding, people lined up again. This time it was in front of a long building. Julia and Megan stood towards the end of the line. They could hear the busy going-ons inside the building. As they neared the doorwar of the entrance, the noise got louder. Entering the building, Julia noticed the noise echoed from the sounds of whispers. No one spoke except under their breath. There were many twisting lines of people. One following another. Old men, old women, young men, young women, children of all ages, and babies here and there. Short ones, tall ones, ones of all sizes and shapes. They waited and moved along in the line, which eventually, split into lines for the males and females.
It seemed like it lasted for days and weeks, but from her watch, Julia knew it was only a couple of hours. As Julia and Megan waited in line with others, “God, why didn’t I go with Ralph. Please, protect us from thou enemy.” She felt a little tug on her hair near her waist.
“Mommy, how much longer will it be. I’m hungry.”
“We are nearing the door. Only a few more minutes.” Walking through the door frame, Julia noticed it was without a door. Looking into the room, she saw large stacks of clothing and other items, such as eyeglasses and other jewelry. Lady clerks were helping the women and young girls remove their belongings, as other clerks, removed the items to keep the piles from growing too large. There at the end of the line before it left the room, a small number of bared women and girls holding their arms across their bodies waited to go outside the building.
Soon, Julia and Megan started removing their belongings and clothing. Looks of puzzlement filled their faces as they moved along the line. Near shock. Beliefs of this cannot be happening, as they moved down the line.
“Come on. Keep it moving. Let’s not take all day. Your showers are awaiting,” a clerk bellowed out.
Near the exit, Julia saw the open skies. “God, give me strength.”
“Julia, give me strength. I cannot go without you and Megan. Please, don’t push me away. Come with me,” Ralph pleaded.
“No. We have talked and talked about this. I cannot leave my parents. They will not leave their home.”
“God, give me strength. How can I leave without you and Megan.
“Go, Ralph. Make it to a place safe from all this. They promised we would be taken care of.” Julia now had the thought, “God, why didn’t we go with Ralph.”
As they rounded the corner of the building, the line of women merged with the line of men from the other corner. “Megan, close your eyes. Keep your head down,” Julia nervously commanded when she saw the bare flesh of the other line. “This can’t be happening.”
The merged lines were led into an open but enclosed standing area with large doors at the far end. The proud face of an eagle stared down from above the doors. Julia saw the eyes move.
Looking around the huge room, a photo of the Leader stared from the other end of the room. His lifeless eyes stared like the eagles’, but instead of pride, Julia saw evil. She could hear his voice as he talked about the greatness of Germany. Of the people. “If only we had known, the truth,” Julia thought. At the same time, felt, “We had known the truth, but like sheep, were too afraid to stand up for ourselves. We hoped. We looked for someone else to take care of us.” Julia whispered in a low tone, “He is taking care of us.”
As Julia and Megan waited in line with others, “God, why didn’t we go with Ralph. Please, protect us from thou enemy.” She felt a little tug on her hair near her waist.
“Mommy, how much longer will it be. I’m hungry.”
Carefully looking down to the small, brown eyes staring up at her, Julia softly spoke, “Megan, we will be entering the doors soon. Do as mommy told you and look down and be quiet. It won’t be much longer. I can hear someone behind the doors.”
“But we have been waiting so long,” Megan replied.
“Just a little longer. Now, be quiet.” Julia closed her eyes as raising her head. She opened her eyes when her head reached as far back as it could. “Lord, help us.”
Ralph looked her in the eyes, “Lord, help us. Please, Julia. Come with me. God has given us this chance.”
She lowered her head with open eyes, “God, forgive me.” She looked around her and saw all the people waiting with her and Megan. “How could this be?”
Her mind turned to the drops of sweat forming on her forehead. The moisture from the closeness of so many people. It reminded her of how thirsty she was. “A few more minutes and I will drink water.”
She felt Megan’s tiny fingers grabbing her leg. “Megan, how could I have done this to you.”
“Julia, please, come with me. It may be weeks and months before I can send for you and Megan. At least, let me take Megan. Let’s make her safe,” Ralph pleaded.
“Ralph, I can’t leave mom and dad. We will be safe. Megan will be safe. They won’t do anything to us. They promised. I can’t be without Megan. Please, go. We will be waiting when you return. It will all be OK.”
Tears of hopelessness filled Ralph’s eyes. “It will not be OK. Returning may be impossible. Please, come with me, now.”
“Oh, how I wished I had listened. Ralph, how I wished I had listened. We would have been together. Meagan would have been safe. Why didn’t I listen,” Julia thought as she drifted into a dream.
The wind blew through her hair. She felt the strength of Ralph hands in hers. Megan’s joyful voice mixed with the sounds of the seagulls. In the distance, the sun shone off the head rays of the Statue of Liberty. The small red, white and blue flag filled the sky. Her German blood knew what it meant to be an American. The boundless American spirit enveloped her soul. The fingers which wrapped her being, which enslaved her to her native country, unwrapped and freedom....”
A naked person bumped Julia from behind. Normally, a pardon would have been asked. Not today. Julia instinctively turned her head to look behind as she grabbed and made sure Megan didn’t fall. The line has been standing for what seemed to have been hours.
Julia’s thoughts drifted to her mom and dad. “Where can they be? Why did they separate us? I need to protect them. I need to take care of them.” Despair of failure sweep through her. At least, she had Megan.
Only the sweetest words could describe Megan. Julia’s pride and love of her overflowed. Memory of the day before Megan’s sixth birthday came to mind. Megan burst through the door will all excitement waving her hand with a red ribbon she won at school for a spelling bee. Ralph and Julia talked many of times about the days Megan would be grown and be a doctor. The gift she had.
The school official pronounced Megan’s name. In the long line of students walking up the stairs to the stage, a tall, lean Megan stepped in front of the university president and accepted her college degree. The pride Julia had. Tears flowed down her cheeks. In place of the graduation gown, Julia saw the white coat of a doctor. On the office door, gold letters spelled out, Doctor Megan Cross, M.D.
Suddenly, noises from the doors opening sounded. An excited Megan shouted a weak shout, “Momma, the doors are opening.”
Men shouted, “Enter, enter!” Julia and Megan shuffled their feet to stay up with the forward movement of the crowd, as they watched not to fall from the pushes from behind. In a few seconds, they were pass the doors and in the middle of the room. In a few more seconds, the doors closed. Julia knew why she hated sardines.
“Megan, it won’t be too much longer.” Julia could feel the quenching water satisfying her thirst; soothing her skin.
When some voices in the crowd shouted, “They are turning on the waters!,” Julia could feel a joyful Megan hugging her waist. Julia felt such love.
Laughter filled the air. Megan’s blew out the four candles. Gentle claps celebrated the event wishing Megan’s wish would come through. Julia lifted Megan into the air, “I love you,” placing a soft kiss on her lips. Like water, confetti showered from Ralph’s hands.
Julia raised her head to face one of the shower heads. “Smoke! Smoke!” screams of terror shouted in her mind as she heard others shout, “Gas! Gas!”
A grayish-green gas rushed to the floor filling it with death. Julia tried to raise Megan out of the gas, but her weakness and the tightness of flesh and skin around her forbid that from happening. Overcoming her self-interest of life, Julia fought her way down to Meagan to give her one last kiss. As their lips touched, Julia asked in thought, “Megan forgive me.” Feeling in her heart, Megan said, “I forgive you mommy.”
Closing her eyes for the last time, Julia’s eyes pierced the haze and saw the bold swastika of the showers. “God, why didn’t I go with Ralph.”
Tears ran down Ralph’s eyes. The sight of the tall buildings, the proud standing statue of freedom and liberty, had no meaning. Ralph sensed an emptiness. A lost. Dreams and hopes faded into nothingness. “Julia. Megan. Forgive me.” Purpose in life has been replaced by pity and revenge. Pity for Julia and Megan. Revenge towards self and those who ended his dreams and hopes. An unanswerable revenge of a one-way path.

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