Friday, January 13, 2017


In the dawning of the Ages, eons before man evolved to creation, when the Earth had but lakes and oceans of hot, molten lava, out in the distant stars in the far reaches of the Milky Way, there existed a planet called Steloest.
Steloest had no wars for the population of Steloest learned centuries earlier to exist as "one". Pollution did not exist for the Steloestians evolved from flesh bearing creatures to pure energy-thought forms; therefore, they had no need for vehicles, industries, plastic bottles, cans, or paper. They did not even produce a body waste. The environment of the planet would have suited the gods themselves.
The most civilizing aspect of the Steloestians' society was their government. Their government was a true democracy. Each and every Steloestian had a chance to express their views, and each and every Steloestian had a vote. But, since they existed as "one", they acted as "one". There was no bickering, no arguing, and most of all no regrets. When a decision was made and carried out, and it turned out not to be the best choice, not one Steloestian would think "what if ...". The Steloestians lived in the present, not in the past or future.
What did the Steloestians look like. Since they were pure energy-thought forms, they did not have a distinctive form. Like snowflakes of a winter storm, the Steloestians each had a unique shape. As for color, the Steloestians were the most beautiful of all the creatures and beings of the universe.
When newly born, a Steloestian is white. Then, as he grows older a Steloestian begins to turn yellow. This process takes about 15 years, for a Steloestian does not change yellow overnight. It is a marvellous sight to behold. The gradual changing from a white, to a light yellow, to a dark, yet beautiful and striking, yellow. What is even more marvellous is that a Steloestian keeps on changing color until his death.
At the age of 25-30 years old, a Steloestian begins to change to an orange. This process is as breath-taking as when a Steloestian turns yellow; however, this process takes 25 years. The Steloestian changes from a dark yellow to a bright sun-like orange. From this bright orange, a Steloestian slowly becomes a dark orange, like that of a dried-up orange which fell from an orange tree.
What form are they. Unique, yes, but are they round, square, rectangular, ...just what! They are all, but neither. They also have octagons, triangles, S-shapes, and many, many more. Forms which only imagination can create. No two Steloestians have the same form.
A Steloestian's form is unique in not only shape, but in also that it can grow and shrink. When healthy, a Steloestian is large; when sick, he is small. Not only do Steloestians change in size, they can change in shape, too. That's why they are all, but neither. If a Steloestian wishes, he may one minute be round, and the next minute be square. What a tremendous feeling to change shape at will.
But as mentioned before, no two Steloestians possess the same shape, for even though as a society, they act as "one", each Steloestian must maintain his own individual identity.
Between the ages 55-60 years old, a Steloestian starts to change from an orange to a red color. Like the previous processes, this process too is a glorious one. All the processes are glorious ones.
How many processes are there. Well, after turning from a dark orange to a deep, deep red, which takes about 35 years; therefore, a Steloestian is about 90-95 years old, a Steloestian begins his maturity cycle.
Like all creatures and beings, Steloestians have a life cycle. From when they are white (childbirth) to when they are a deep, deep red, Steloestians are in their infancy stage; from a deep, deep red, a Steloestian turns to a light purple, which means he is starting his maturity stage.
Before turning a light purple, a Steloestian goes through the most spectacular and mind-blowing display of colors. This ego trip is called "Journey Through the Rainbow".
While in a trance, the Steloestian's form becomes a flashing and swirling body of colors. This ego trip may last for a entire month. The colors, when swirling, flash from one color to another; thereby, creating displays of colors which never have been seen before. Some colors even intermingle to create new colors which have not existed before.
The Steloestian, while in this trance, or ego trip, learns all the wisdom and secrets of the Steloestians’ civilization. When a Steloestian passes through this trance, he has reached maturity. He has the complete knowledge of the Steloestians’ culture.
From a light purple, a Steloestian begins to change to a dark purple. This process takes 50 years. When completed, the Steloestian begins another process.
The next process takes the Steloestian from a dark purple to a light, baby blue. The Steloestian stays this color until just before his death. A week before his death, the Steloestian changes to a dark, navy blue. A hour before death, the Steloestian turns to a black, like that of a starless and moonless night. In death, the Steloestian becomes a faded, gray.
There is no burial services for a dead Steloestian, because being pure energy-thought forms there is no physical body. But rather, the low energy-thought form left after death is absorbed by all the other living Steloestians. This increases their own life-span.
There is one fabulous and loving aspect of a dying Steloestian. If the dying Steloestian is greatly loved by another Steloestian, the healthy Steloestian, when seeing the approach of death to his love one, may transfer energy from his form to his love one's form; however, this shortens his own life-span. He may even transfer all of his energy, and therefore cause his own death.
Well, how long does a Steloestian live. A Steloestian life cycle, or span, ranges from 1,000 years to eternity. Depending upon the circumstances of birth, and the number of love ones.
If the Steloestians do not have a physical body, how are they born. Unlike most creatures and beings of the universe, Steloestians are not of two sexes male and female.
The Steloestians do not even have any distinguishing physical features separating them into two sexes. Steloestians are of no sex, for they do not have any sexual organs.
However, the Steloestians do have some distinguishing features which are not of a physical nature. Since the Steloestians are pure energy-thought forms, they do produce thought waves. This is how they communicate. The thought waves produced are somewhat like sound waves; they have pitch and frequency. No two Steloestians have the same pitch and frequency levels, because of this Steloestians can distinquish one Steloestian from another.
How do they reproduce? Since Steloestians are of no sex, they cannot base love on sex. Steloestians base their love for another Steloestian on the other Steloestian’s personality and individuality. Steloestians have personalities.
There are many kinds of loves in the Steloestian society. Steloestians exist as "one"; therefore, each Steloestian loves each and every other Steloestian. This is a family, or society, type of love. Then there is the love of one individual Steloestian for another individual Steloestian, or several other Steloestians. The Steloestians are of a civilize culture, and since there is no sexual basis to divide the Steloestians, there are occasions when one Steloestian may individually love several other Steloestians.
One would believe that this would create arguments, jealousy, and fighting; but Steloestians are of the belief that love should be shared among several whenever possible or appropriate. Steloestians believe love is too precious to be shared by only two.
Most loves of Steloest are between only two Steloestians though. When a Steloestian finds a love one, he usually spends so much time with his love one that he has no extra time to search for another love one. There are times when this does not hold true.
What happens when one Steloestian rejects the love of another Steloestian. Will the rejected Steloestian become sadden and depressed. Steloestians live only in the present. They are aware of life's realities. So, when a Steloestian is rejected, he continues with his life. He does not dispense one minute to sorrow, despair, or depression. Life, as love, is too precious to waste.
The greatest love the Steloestians have is the love of the universal God. There are no religions, just love of God. Steloestians believe God is everything, and everything is God. They are as close to God as any being could be without actually becoming spirit.
When two Steloestians, as with most other beings it takes two to conceive birth, fall in love and decide to reproduce -- this is a long and trying decision
they must first check if there is space in the habitat of the society for another individual Steloestian. If not, then the newly conceived Steloestian is harbored within one of the parent Steloestians in a state of suspended animation until space occurs. Overpopulation is not a problem.
How can Steloestians conceive birth when they have no sex organs? In the Steloestian society, birth is of the mind, not of the body. When the two Steloestians are sure they want to conceive birth, they combine their minds together. This is the Steloestian form of love making, and conceiving of birth is not the only time it is performed. Love making is performed for pleasure, too. Steloestians need not worry about unwanted births for a new born Steloestian cannot be conceived without the consent of both Steloestians.
Since the Steloestians are of such mental powers, the forms of both Steloestians are needed in the joining of minds. When joined together, the activities and going-ons of the outside world are cutoff from the two joined minds.
In like all love making, the savagery, the longing, and the passions of the Steloestian minds are released. The animal emotions of their distant ancestors, who like man's were apelike creatures, are unlocked from the deep, deep crevasses of the Steloestian minds.
It is in this state of love making that the life expectancy of the newly conceived infant Steloestian is determined. Being pure energy-thought forms, outside sources of high energy can effect Steloestians, especially when they are being conceived.
Steloest has two suns, one orange-red and one orange-yellow. Both suns are of high energy; therefore, the position of these suns when a Steloestian is conceived determines the length of the Steloestian's life-span.
In one certain position of the two suns, if a Steloestian is conceived, then the life-span of the recently formed Steloestian is eternal. But, this occurs infrequently because this certain position of the two suns happens only once every 273 years.
The beauty of the just conceived infant is that its essence of life is madeup of both parents.
The society of Steloestians seems drab. What do Steloestians do for recreation.
Recreation for a Steloestian is the simplest and pleasing aspect of the Steloestian society.
To enjoy a day at the beach, or to experience the thrill of a safari trip, all a Steloestian has to do is concentrate his mind on the subject, and he is sunning himself on a beach, or shooting a big, ferocious lion. There are no bills or expenses to consider.
Even though Steloestians are of no sex, they once were of the male and female sex. Many of their recreations, or adventures, revolve around love affairs and the reacting of sexual pleasures and fantasies. But no sin is there for the pleasures and fantasies are of the mind, not actual form or existence. No one dies or gets hurt for no one exists.
Imagination can be a very strong and powerful force. Steloestians have many strong mental powers. In the Steloestians' case, these powers are only used for good.

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