Friday, January 27, 2017

Nice... Can weakness be a strength?

My Debbie

Logic, logic flows throughout her head,
For a computer operator/programmer is she.
How the computer responds to her gentle touch.
If only she knew,
The jealousy and anger I feel,
For the lucky, lucky machine.

Her blondish, silky hair,
Drapes her soft, white shoulders,
With such delightfulness and carefreeness.
The temptations I strongly feel,
When she smiles her raw innocent smile.
Her piercing, blue eyes see through me,
She knows how much I deeply love her,
But her independence keeps her from me.
How can I tell her and make her truly understand,
It is because of her independence I love her.
It is her strength which gives me strength.
For even though I am man,
I am the one who is weak.

The flowing, ice-cold brook,
With its banks covered by ancient oaks and pines,
Offers a setting where love can slowly become.
She walks with me hand-in-hand,
Her long, tender fingers so delicate,
Yet when they need be,
They can be so strong.
Being by my side,
She makes me feel more of a man,
Than I ever, ever felt before.
This love does not last,
For it is only in my dreams, not reality.

Dear sweet, sweet Debbie,
I need your strength, your love,
But I am too weak of a man,
To find the words which I need to say.

Life why must you treat me so.
My chance for an everlasting love,
Gone for I cannot find the strength,
The fortitude to utter the needed words.
If only she could read my eyes,
They cry out for her love.

Life why do you treat me so unkind,
You make me a man who should be strong,
Yet I am weak, very weak.

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