Friday, January 27, 2017

A Long One...

The Modern Nymph

Beauty and loveliness eyes have never seen before.
The beauty of a star glazed night.
Loveliness of innocence and childlike awareness.
Womanly quality of maturity she possesses,
But carefully enters into the world of love does she.

Her of such beauty and uniqueness,
Need not intentionally inflict feelings of love.
Men cannot but love her goddess charms.
So slowly and cautiously she seeks out
One who will truly love and adore her.
Casting gently aside those overcome by
The attracting magnetism of her earthly presents.

Thou not to hurt she wants,
It is life which is cruel.
Exist does the hurt,
But not of her making.
One cannot sacrifice oneself so not to hurt,
For then both shall hurt,
Due to pretentious love.

Endless does the search seem,
But in life it is when all appears lost,
That over the horizon of blue waters and dazzling sun,
The one destined to fulfill her needs and wants,
Shall approach in his golden ship of happiness.
A ship brimming with contentment and joy.
The essential elements of everlasting love.
Love which resides beyond the realm of death.

Until the forthcoming day of fate,
Friends of feeling shall fill the empty void,
Which only ones who care may satisfy.
But always shall there be some emptiness,
That only the one of destiny may fill.

Dreams of the day comes to mind,
When the white sails of the hope filled ship eyes see.
Warm embrace of his masculine arms,
Sends unknown surges of security
To the dark, cold crevasses of her apprehensive heart,
As does her slender arms
To his masked cold-steel fortitude.

Begin does the walk on the sandy shore.
Hand in hand, fingers entwined into one.
Enlightenment is theirs as they are one,
But beware should they for in all dreams there is reality.
Thou two may become one in nature,
Individual entities need be retained,
For each has one's own soul of identify.

As quickly as dreams come,
Dreams do suddenly go.
Dreams contradict existence of state,
Yet may one day become a day's reality.
Today the world is but a dream,
Tomorrow it may come to be.
Faith in one's aspirations is faith in God.
To dishope is to belittle the ability of God.

Alarm of the morning sentry sounds.
Gradually opens the lids of her seeing lanterns.
Another of her long, dismayed days commences.
Dreary not due to lack of laughter for there are friends,
But due to the feeling that today is not to be the day.

Daily tedious routines past forgotten,
Nevertheless, unconsciously and instinctively done.
Before the mind is genuinely aroused,
Wondering thoughts of life's meaning comes to light.
The searched for answers are attained,
Only to be lost to the awakened consciousness.
The quest for purpose of one's life goes on.

The acquainted journey from residence to occupation,
Is seemingly brief for time is irrelevant.
When thoughts drift aimlessly into interminable space.
Not so though does the labors of the day.
Endless do the toils and agonies seem.
A ruse time plays upon the incognisant mind,
For time to head to sweet home is near.

Anticipation of home is disappointing gratification.
Solemn is the room upon its opening.
While the night is to be one of gaiety,
Inner meaning and purpose is absent,
For such pleasures are of short duration.
Yet needs and wants must be obliged,
And to the time his sails she sees,
Day to day must the challenges be met.

Prevail over all but one,
Shall the ironclad warrior maiden.
The one of equal embodied strength and endurance.
The one of sincere, God blessed love.
The one of securing arms and heart.

Life of one shall become the two,
But understanding that each shall be one.
Jealously, mistrust, and angriness are no more.
Understanding, trust, and happiness will be their.
Prosperity shall govern their lives.
Home shall be the place of joy and peace.
Children to give meaning to existence will they have.

Screaming and shouting are easily heard
Throughout the halls and rooms.
Children quiver from fear of the ensuing quarrel.
Not in selfish fear for themselves,
But because of their love for their parents.
Tomorrow shall the children pay the devil's price.
Forever shall these memories reign in their thoughts.

Jump from the nightmare does she in bed.
Staring eyes roam the dark filled room,
Hastily she grasps her husband's silhouette.
Embrace followed by explanation occurs.
Love from his eyes soothes her anxiety,
But still there is uncertainty and apprehension.
The children's rooms are all calm and serene.
Peace of life was meant for the modern nymph.

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