Saturday, January 14, 2017

I like the Butterfly one...


Fly sweet butterfly of the fields,
For of all of God’s creatures,
Thou are the most beautiful and graceful.
For thou has so many appearances
Of which all possess a pleasing quality,
And for thou is loving and carefree,
To travel harmlessly and with dignity from flower to flower.
Oh, sweet butterfly how I do love thee.
May beauty and grace always enrich thee.

Human Form

The unclothed man and woman
Ran across the busy street.
Streaking, what a crazy fad.

What is wrong with the human body.
Did not God give us eyes to which to see it.
Did he not give us hands to which to feel it.
Human forms should be appreciated
And admired like great art works,
For that is what they are,
Were they not made by the greatest artist,
Molded by God’s own fingers.

It is man’s mind
Which makes the human form dirty.
But some nations have open minds,
Where the human form is truly adored.
What minority are they.

Wake-up men of the world,
For it is not your form which is dirty,
It is your minds
Which control your human forms.

Out of the East

The breeze blows its gentle wind through the trees,
And out of the east comes a magnificent sight.
Driving a golden chariot made for gods,
A young, nymph-like maiden with long, yellow hair.
Ache does the hearts of all men,
For she will never be caught,
She is as free as the roaming winds.

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