Friday, January 13, 2017

Not great, but I like this one...

Conquering Rays

In the dawning of the morning light,
I saw the awakening of the world.

The life-filling rays of the sun
Slowly crept over the distant horizon.
The overhead clouds began to glow with fire.
But one did not need to fear,
For this fire brought breath, not death, to the skies.

As the orange fireball rose higher,
The ripples of the bay
Began to twinkle like nightly stars.
One was tempted to reach out
And touch the Milky Way.

The bright, heavenly glow still inched higher and higher,
Now the marching, radiant rays
Started their invasion of the inland.
The fight was short and quick,
For who can withstand such beauty.

The lilies in the field were the first to fall.
The lilies were a dark, dreary sight
Before the attack of the advancing rays,
But after the occupancy of the numerous rays,
The lilies could be put on an artist's canvas.

Soon the entire woods were overcome.
The drab, black stream
Was now a clear, sparkling flow of blue water.
The haunting and frightening trees
Were now the homes of adventurous, climbing lads.
The birds of the woods
Now dared to leave their roosts
And sing songs of enlightenment and joy.

The woods fell easy prey to the conquering rays,
But would the fortress city.
The ringing of the clock could be heard,
One unconsciously rolls out of bed.
When the shade goes up, screams for mercy are sounded.
For some unknown reason,
All the door locks of the city are opened.
The conquered welcoming the conquering.
True thus are these words "beauty conquers all".

But like all conquering warriors,
The illuminant rays are themselves soon conquered.
As the retreating sun rays fade over the horizon,
The new conqueror appears with her army of beauty.
Moonrays, will thee be conquered too.

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