Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I have found my Valentines! 3 beautiful ladies...

Valentine Day

I give to you this day,
The love I bear in my heart.
But much more do you deserve,
For you, woman, are my strength.

Walk not in front of me,
Walk not on side of me,
But walk behind me.

Not 'cause you are unequal
In creation or thought,
But to catch me before I fall.

It is with your support,
That I, mere man, survives.
It is your softness and warmth,
That comforts and strengthens me
To meet the toils and agonies
Of the cruel and harsh world.

Possession of your love,
Is the only treasure I seek.
It is why that today,
I shower you with my love.

But I shall on this day,
Also show to you,
The appreciation I truly have for you.

To know someone loves you,
Is the greatest gift of all.

But appreciation must he also have,
For how else shall you know,
That he faithfully loves you.

Today is Valentine Day,
The day of roses and wine,
And I must say,
I love and appreciate you.

So should I forget this year,
To repeat these soon forgotten
But not lost words,
Look back to today, Valentine Day,
And know I do love and appreciate you.

May I be blessed on Valentine Day
With your love and appreciation.

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